Neha Shah

Parent's photo

Jivika's Mother from ECCE Programme

“My daughter Jivika was three years old when she was enrolled in NEET’s Early Childhood Care and Education Programme.


The initial days were difficult for me and the educators at the school. She has no siblings and seldom went out to play. When she saw the colourful playthings and games, she refused to share any toys and games with her peers or would start to hit them if they made an effort to play with her. 


We noticed that she relishes her time alone and would exhibit signs of aggression if somebody attempts to befriend her.


Gradually, she opened up and started being sociable. Very shortly, we discovered that she has started to immerse herself in school activities, but only when she is in a good  mood.


She proceeded to show improvement in learning and understanding relationships. I am very pleased to see my daughter, Jivika comfortable in her own space where she feels safe.


Now, the struggles of readying her for school during the initial days have proved to be the happiest hours of the day. Her never-ending queries regarding the school and her educators encourage me to work hard as her mother.


Jivika is very fond of creative activities, particularly scribbling and colouring. She has made sure that we can never leave the house without her crayons and books when we travel to new places!


Lakhan, my husband leaves for work first in the daybreak. So, when her father comes home from work, Jivika rushes to do a little dance for him, taught in school. Jivika’s dance is an ‘instant mood booster’ for him. He grins when he sees his daughter cheerful, and confident. He is proud of her newly developed talents.


Lakhan had to discontinue his studies at a young age but plans of sending our daughter to college.


I asked my husband about NEET’s Pre-Primary School, he said that he has no understanding of Early Childhood Education but he feels that the school is doing what is best for Jivika. He is delighted that NEET has acknowledged the needs of the children in this neighbourhood and is supporting them through this free pre-school.”

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  • House no.18, near Cafe Karma, Lamb Road, Dighalipukhuri East, Guwahati, Kamrup(M), Assam, PIN- 781001