Early Childhood Care and

What we do

NEET’s ECCE programme is a school readiness programme for under-priviledged children between the ages of 3-6 years, it gives them an opportunity to develop their cognitive, creative, physical, language & socio-emotional skills. It is a child centered, balanced play and activity based program catering to individual children’s learning and emotional needs. Our pre-primary learning center is a safe and secure place equipped with numerous activities and play materials that are developmentally appropriate in terms of age, individual and socio-culturally appropriate to enable holistic development of children. In the centre, classes are held from 10 am-12 pm and hot nutritious meals are served after classes.

Our Beneficiaries

NEET’s Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme caters to a handful of underprivileged children between the ages of 3-6 years who are first generation learners.



Chronicles of our ECCE Programme

A handful of underprivileged  children between the ages of 3-6 years who are first generation learners visit the library regularly with their siblings. These are children of working mothers who work either as domestic workers or daily wage laborers, their parents send them to the  library as they consider it to be a safe space. Thus to address the lack of a holistic ECCE programme that takes into account the challenges faced by these children, from April 2021, we started a free ECCE programme for children from marginalized communities. Our Pre-Primary school started with 20 children in the first year of its operation but after re-opening of covid induced lockdown our regulars dropped down to 9 by April 2022. This year we have distributed books and uniforms to our children. Parents-teacher meetings are held every quarter to keep the parents updated about the children’s progress.

Our Goal for the Program

  • To provide equal access to free and qualitative education to underprivileged children 
  • To focus on holistic development of children: physical, linguistic, cognitive, socio-emotional and  creative development. 
  • To develop a good early childhood care and education programme that respects the different  pace of development of all children coming from different socio-economic backgrounds and ensures that children develop physically, socially, emotionally, morally and intellectually to their  full potential in an age appropriate manner.
  • To provide a nutritious hot meal everyday after classes 

Contact Us

  • House no.18, near Cafe Karma, Lamb Road, Dighalipukhuri East, Guwahati, Kamrup(M), Assam, PIN- 781001